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  Институт за плућне болести Војводине у Сремској Каменици подржава акцију Министартва здравља Републике Србије редукције листе чекања ЦТ скенера плућа у корист пацијената.

  Институт за плућне болести Војводине ће све своје ресурсе подредити остваривању тог циља.






Dear Friends, Colleagues, and Supporters,

Welcome to WSD News – 'World Sepsis Day Is Almost Here'-Edition.

Can you believe that #WorldSepsisDay is less than two weeks away? Time is really flying, isn't it? Anyway, thanks for being here, we sincerely appreciate you and your interest in sepsis, World Sepsis Day, and the work of the Global Sepsis Alliance.

As always, if you want to delve deeper into a particular topic, the link below the picture will take you directly to the article on our website.

To stay up-to-date on our activities, please join us on  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228257/c920f20549c1-qypwax> Twitter,  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228258/c920f20549c1-qypwax> Instagram, or  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228259/c920f20549c1-qypwax> Facebook, and check out the  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228260/c920f20549c1-qypwax> news section on the WSD Homepage regularly.


WSD Shop Update: T-Shirts, Balloons, New Masks, Shipping Deadline for Europe + World

If you are looking to class up your event with our goodies, now is the time: the shipping deadline for worldwide orders to arrive before WSD is TODAY (EU: Sep 6) and the discount code 'SEPTEMBER13' - aptly taking 13% off your entire order above 20€ - expires tonight as well.  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228312/c920f20549c1-qypwax> What are you waiting for?

P.S.: Have you seen  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228313/c920f20549c1-qypwax> our new medical masks?

Show Your Support for World Sepsis Day on Social Media – Ideas for Posts, WSD Photo Challenge, Sepsis Awareness Clips, and WSD Photo Boards

World Sepsis Day on September 13 is less than two weeks away - with this post, we want to give you some ideas to show your support on social media, be it Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, or  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228314/c920f20549c1-qypwax> something else entirely...

[TOMORROW, Sep 1] EMSA Webinar 2021: A World Free of Sepsis – Bringing a Vision to Reality Through Regional Collaborations

Over the course of 1.5 hours, the EMSA is bringing together a lineup of leading sepsis specialists and patient safety advocates from across the region, sharing their expert knowledge in highlighting the importance of creating change together and proactively striving to  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228316/c920f20549c1-qypwax> eliminate the burden of sepsis globally...

Abdulelah Alhawsawi and Konrad Reinhart Speaking at the Health20 Summit on September 1-2, 2021

Our very own Abdulelah Alhawsawi, Vice President of International Affairs, and Konrad Reinhart, Founding President of the Global Sepsis Alliance, are speaking at the annual Health20 Summit on September 1 and 2, 2021,  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228317/c920f20549c1-qypwax> hosted by The G20 Health and Development Partnership...

The Houston Methodist Hospital Invites You to the Sepsis Symposium 2021: Sepsis Survivorship on September 17

Our friends from the Houston Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas will be hosting the Sepsis Symposium 2021: Sepsis Survivorship,  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228332/c920f20549c1-qypwax> virtually on Friday, September 17, 2021 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm...

Can a Rapid Point-of-Care Biomarker Test Help Physicians Identify Sepsis 72 Hours Earlier?  <https://files.crsend.com/32000/32979/images/Aug2021/6_Abionic+Webinar.jpg>

Sepsis is a medical emergency, and even a 1-hour delay in the diagnosis of sepsis can lead to higher mortality rates, more irreversible and lifelong consequences, and an increased length of hospital stay for patients. Join Abionic, one of the sponsors of World Sepsis Day,  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228333/c920f20549c1-qypwax> for this free online webinar on September 22...

Sign Up Now – Sepsis 2021: Rethinking Sepsis in Resource-Constrained Settings: The Viewpoint from Africa – October 28-29

Registrations for “Sepsis 2021: Rethinking Sepsis in Resource-Constrained Settings: The Viewpoint from Africa” are now open. Over two days, this event will address the diagnosis, epidemiology, science, and clinical management of sepsis, taking into account both the situation in low and middle-income countries (LMIC)  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228363/c920f20549c1-qypwax> as well as the current COVID-19 situation...

Eastern Mediterranean Sepsis Alliance Launches New Website and Unveils Logo  <https://files.crsend.com/32000/32979/images/Aug2021/8_EMSA+Website+and+Logo.jpg>

Our colleagues and friends from the Eastern Mediterranean Sepsis Alliance  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228383/c920f20549c1-qypwax> have just launched their new website and unveiled their new logo...

Reminder: 4th Annual Meeting of the European Sepsis Alliance – September 9, 2021

Yes, this was included in the last newsletter already - just a quick reminder that the ESA is hosting its 4th Annual Meeting on September 9 - may more excited speakers have confirmed, and  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228387/c920f20549c1-qypwax> participation is free of charge...

Upcoming Events:

*    September 1, 2021:  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228392/c920f20549c1-qypwax> EMSA Webinar
*    September 1-2, 2021:  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228393/c920f20549c1-qypwax> Health20 Summit
*    September 9, 2021:  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228265/c920f20549c1-qypwax> 4th Annual Meeting of the European Sepsis Alliance
*    September 13, 2021:  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228261/c920f20549c1-qypwax> World Sepsis Day
*    September 14, 2021:  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228394/c920f20549c1-qypwax> Sepsis Alliance Summit
*    September 17, 2021:  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228288/c920f20549c1-qypwax> World Patient Safety Day
*    September 17, 2021:  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228332/c920f20549c1-qypwax> Sepsis Symposium 2021: Sepsis Survivorship
*    September 22, 2021:  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228333/c920f20549c1-qypwax> Webinar: Real World Evidence for Implementing PSP Measurements at the Point-of-Care

We hope you enjoyed reading this issue of World Sepsis Day News. If you are new to WSD News, there is a new issue roughly every 5 to 8 weeks, containing the latest about sepsis and our work. No spam, ever.

Please  <mailto:Ова адреса ел. поште је заштићена од спамботова. Омогућите JavaScript да бисте је видели.; send us feedback, so we can further improve your reading experience.

To further support our activities,  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228289/c920f20549c1-qypwax> please donate.
Don't hesitate to forward this email to friends, colleagues, or other interested parties.

Best regards and thanks for supporting the global fight against sepsis,

 <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228290/c920f20549c1-qypwax> Your World Sepsis Day Team


P.S.: If WSD News has been forwarded to you, please  <https://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/44228291/c920f20549c1-qypwax> sign up here. <http://32979.seu.cleverreach.com/c/31169725/c920f20549c1-qypwax>

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